The research and development work conducted under ALTLab and associated centres and laboratories involves multiple fields in linguistics, of which a sample of possible research project topics are given below, allowing for research projects ranging from a directed research course (LING 375, 475) all the way through a Honours thesis and Master’s project to a Ph.D dissertation:
Lexicography: creating an (electronic) dictionary for an indigenous language consisting of spoken and written words and example sentence utterances; semantic make-up of a dictionary; comparisons of dictionaries; creation of new terminology for new domains
semantic classification of the contents of several Plains Cree dictionaries → analysis and discussion of the results for one dictionary, or the comparison of three dictionaries
structural scrutiny and comparison of several Plains Cree dictionaries, based on a manual analysis of samples of lexical entries (orthography, morphology, lexical content) and/or computationally extracted dictionary cognates
an analysis of similarities and differences in animacy classification of Plains Cree nouns (basic and derived) in three Plains Cree dictionaries
an analysis on the determinants of animacy in Plains Cree nouns derived from verbs (tripartite animacy hierarchy of conjugation classes: 0/1/2 animate participants)
Phonology: differences in words spoken in isolation as part of utterances; regularity of phonological reduction and deletion
Corpus creation and analysis: creation of new spoken and written corpora from scratch; stem-morpheme co-occurrences and their semantic motivations
corpus creation issues: design, challenges, representatives
a quantitative, corpus-based analysis of preverb combinatorics in Plains Cree
a quantitative analysis of the semantic motivations of morphological preferences/constraints of Plains Cree nouns (animate/inanimate) or verbs (animate nouns and locatives, person/tense preferences of verbs, etc.)
Computational Linguistics/Language technology: computational modeling of some aspect (phonetics/phonology, morphology, syntax) of an indigenous language; un/semi/supervised learning of word paradigms from data; creation of linguistic tools (spell-checker, computer-aided language learning application, speech synthesizer); training an Optical Character Recognition algorithm for the orthography of some indigenous language
weighted finite-state transducer for linguistic analysis, or for ranking of correction suggestions in spell-checking
computational modeling of Plains Cree verb derivation (diminutives, nominalization) and incorporation
report on the conversion of a Plains Cree/Northern Haida computational model for linguistic analysis for normative purposes into a spell-checker: how does one need to adapt/restrict the model
corpus-based, computational analysis of morpheme-morpheme and morpheme-stem combinatorics of Plains Cree nouns and verbs → incorporation of the results as training OCR for Plains Cree/Northern Haida texts written in some historical orthography and converting the results according to modern orthography
Psycholinguistics: evaluation of the perception and quality of linguistic tools (speech-synthesizer, spell-checker, etc.); perception of phonological traits vs. orthography (vowel quantity, syllable reduction and deletion); CALL-based evaluation of language acquisition and learning
Applied linguistics
some variant of discussing the development and use of end-user tools from the user/community perspective
Historical and comparative linguistics
Sociolinguistics: the relationship of societal structure and relationships and linguistic structure; what happens to an (indigenous) language community when its interactions and contacts expand from several hundred to millions
impact/motivations of creating standardized orthography and dealing with synchronic variation ← based on resources; based on stake-holder interviews
interaction with indigenous language communities in a sustainable, ethical way
Novel linguistics
- something we haven’t thought about, but you have
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